So, how long have you been playing FFXI?
I've been playing off and on since around the ps2 release which was close to Summer 2004. So I guess that makes it about 3 years now.
From what I’ve seen, you use mainly mage jobs. Not counting Beastmaster, have you ever leveled a melee job? Which ones and how far?
I did level mnk(9), war(18), and nin to 37 but that was just to compliment my mage jobs. As for leveling a melee job just to have one, I did try thf once.. got it to 3.. or maybe that was 2 then got bored.
How did you choose your character’s name?
Kyssandra was the name of a npc guild leader in a text based MUD (look it up) called DragonRealms. I used the name for my character in EverQuest Online Adventures which carried over to FFXI when we all moved here as a group.
What helped you choose Windurst, the greatest of the three starting countries, as your home country?
First looking at the 3 nation choices I was immediately drawn to Windurst. I liked everything from the music to the outdoor nature theme, it seemed the most fun.
Which do you like more: Bastok or San d’Oria? Why?
Bastok, not that Bastok is anything special but Elvaan tend to be on the arrogant side, it's never a pleasant experience being in Sandy.
Which do you like less: Mhaura or Selbina? Why?
Well lets compare their negative uses. Mhaura has that annoyingly long boat ride to Aht Urghan. Selbina has that annoyingly long Crawler's Nest map quest. Mhaura also has a prime fight which you need lvl 6 fame for, that can be annoying. But Selbina.. is next to dunes.. Selbina wins.
You don’t have to name names, or /point at me, but is there any player(s) that you absolutely despise?
Oh of course there are people I really dislike, though I exercise probably more restraint than most people notice when it comes to them.
Is there any MoogleArmy member you like a little more than the others? *winkwink*
Well that would be you Omael =p.(YES!) I actually like all members who are regulars. (NOOOOO!) By regulars I mean they're on a lot, they talk, they help out, and this is their only LS (excluding endgame). As far as who I like more than others, I do believe in the concept of reciprocity, you get out of a LS what you put into it. There are members who clearly put in a lot more effort than some in the LS, and as a result those people are much more likely to get help when they're in need.
What would you like to see added to FFXI the most? (It can be anything.)
One thing I really dislike about FFXI when compared to other mmorpgs is the way end game works. How some of the hardest HNMs in the game drop complete crap compared to easier HNMs that spawn 21-24 hours. I'd love to see FFXI create a new end game system where the rewards increase in proportion to the difficulty of the battles.
What would you like taken out or changed?
I'd really like to see a bigger xp penalty for people who die for stupid reasons.
If you could be any kind of ingame monster, what would you pick and why?
I'd like to be a lvl 8 besieged HNM. I'd only have to work and make my appearance every few days for no more than an hour. And you get to kill complete idiots, because only a dumbass would go after one of those HNMs thinking they could kill it. (I don't know what that is, but I'll assume it's something strong.)
You and I were in a party in Garlaige on August 10th of 2007 where you were a bard. I was a ninja, and we were maybe 2 levels apart. This wasn’t even a month ago. Now you are getting your Artifact Armor. There were rumors being spread in the linkshell recently that you were some sort of super-leveling mutant or super-leveling robot. Are you a super-leveling mutant, a super-leveling robot, some unholy combination of the two or something entirely different?
lmao. When I set a goal for myself, I usually go after it full force. Of course a lot of it is thanks to having this great linkshell full of awesome members willing to come help me in a moments notice. But as for leveling, I just can't level "every now and then", I level whore and no I'm not a super-leveling mutant or robot -_-.(That's exactly what a super-leveling mutant/robot would say...)
When you decide to leave FFXI forever, what do you want people to remember about you?
I just want people to remember I'm the leader of MoogleArmy and that I contributed in some way to their FFXI experience. And I hope that this LS, that many people call home, continues to live on even after I'm gone.(I'd give MoogleArmy about two months if/when Kyss quits forever before it falls apart.)
Next time: I attempt to expose the dark side (if there is one) of the friendliest, most helpful Galka you ever did meet, Coldwind! Could a heart of pure evil lurk within the depths of that snazzy jacket? And just what is Houzukimaru looking at?