Bahamut is home to a diverse group of people. The longer and longer I’ve played here, the more I’ve come to realize that nearly all of them suck. Severely. There are some though, that have managed to prove themselves not as stupid or annoying as the rest. Most, if not all, of these people belong to the MoogleArmy linkshell like me. One of the recently returned members is the next one I get to ask several semi-random questions to, Quickswipe. As always, questions will be in BOLD. All responses are unedited and will appear in ITALICS. Any additional comments by me will be in parentheses ( ).
How long have you been playing FFXI?Ive Been playing XI since March or April 2005, since then i've been playing on and off.How did you choose your character’s name?Well my first characters name was Jaruto (I didn't know Naruto existed at the time so to answer any burning questions, no i didn't draw inspiration from there.) was a thief. When i came back in the summer of 2006 i deleted him and decided to that i was gonna make another thief so i named myself Quickswipe. Why did you choose to make your character a Mithra?I chose a Mithra through process of elimination really, Humes were played out. At the time you were /laughed at for being a Galka :P. The latter applies to Elvaans too. Tarutaru were too short and i was left with the choice of a Mithra, so i said what the hell. I usually see you playing as a MNK. What other jobs do you enjoy playing?Puppetmaster for sure, I just love the versatility of the job, not to mention your the underdog of the the job system, i like being the underdog :). Corsair is also a great job and i plan on finishing thief. (lol yeah right.) (I'll have to remember to cut out the parenthesized comments unless they're mine...)
Which do you like less: Norg or Jeuno?Norg for sure, its all the way out in the middle of nowhere, not to mention its home to my least favorite but necessary job to level: Ninja.
Which do you like more: Bastok or San d’Oria?San d'Oria. The fact that there so religious over nothing cracks me up. Oh and orcs are the coolest beastmen ever. (I myself cannot get past Fag d'Oria's stupidity to appreciate orcs.)
When you were leveling THF, I let you borrow some of my awesome gear. How great am I?Too great for words Omael, too great for words. (I agree.)
Are there any linkshell members you really dislike?Not really and if there was i probably dont know it because i subconsciously ignore them.
Are there any members you like more than the others?Kiris, Cold, and Ky stand out the most. Kiris' macabre sense of humor always cracks me up. (I don't see my name on this list...)
What would you like to see SE add to the game?A new Automaton frame, and more WoTG content.What would you like SE to change or remove completely?Valkurm Dunes, let newbies start on a tutorial server >.>;.If you could be any ingame monster, which would you choose and why?I'd be an Orc. There funny and crazy violent.When you leave FFXI forever, what do you want people to remember about you?I want to be remembered as the person who everyone got along with and the person that always remained true to the LS.
I don't have a nice screenshot with Quick in it, so here's the ls sig image from the MoogleArmy forums: