I’ve made a point of keeping my blog free from commenting on anything happening in my real life (as it were). Well, that’s over for this post. Due to my awesome governmental (it IS a word) HR skills I was transferred halfway across the country, and my wife hasn’t exactly been taking the move well. I blame her idiot younger sister who we now live close enough for her/it to visit on a semi-regular basis. There are very few things in the world worse than listening to an arrogant, (probable) eco-terrorist/militant vegan endlessly preach on and on about how fucking wrong it is to eat meat and how animals have all the rights of people (it’s not, and they don’t). I’m too old (graying hair and all) to listen to some dumbfuck career student/coed whore bitch at me for being omnivorous. The inevitable arguments of “don’t eat meat” vs. “fuck you” have of course put undo strain on my wife, who doesn’t deserve it. As far as I can tell, if she’d ever play FFXI with me she’d literally be the perfect woman. So, I won’t be playing all that much for a while. Maybe not for a few days, maybe not for a few months. I do have a couple more entries written, and I’ll upload them somewhere down the road. In the meantime, here’s a screenshot of most of what I do in terms of endgame activities:

That’s right, hide in the shrubs until whatever it is happens to be dead. Ain't life grand?