My time playing FFXI has allowed me many opportunities to observe people, and what happens when you force them to cooperate to achieve a common goal.
1. The younger they are, the smarter they aren't.
2. College students provide an interesting exception to that. The vast majority of them don't seem to know their asses from a hole in the ground.
3. People will accept gimps into thier parties, then bitch about them to their ls.
4. Those people will invite those gimps again, because they know what they're getting.
5. Every few months, newer and stupider jargon and slang will arrive to turn the chat logs into more of a toilet. Usually attributed to #2.
6. Since they still have some sort of stigma attached to them, DRGs are often much more knowledgeable and well-equipped than most other players.
7. Puppeteer AF is probably the gayest armor in the history of video games.
8. WAR/NIN has more gimps and morons in it's ranks than any other job. I myself was neither, but could no longer put up with those that were.
9. Elvaan players are the most likely to be and act like fucking morons. Galkas are the least. Tarutaru and Humes are pretty balanced in that aspect.
10. Just because I'm in your party doesn't mean I give a shit about you or your ls or that you're leveling Alchemy and it's really expensive. I'm in this party for XP, not to hear about whatever stupid shit you have going on.
11. Using the Auto-Translate feature just to say something perverted only proves you are a fucking idiot.
12. Getting offended reading another person's blog also proves you are a fucking idiot.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
15 Minutes of Fame
Apparently they changed the way fame works in the time since I left. Now, your level of fame decreases over time. This renders all the time, literally months that I spent farming Boyadha Moss for that stupid old man in Selbina completely moot. I was at max fame in all three starting cities, and had finished all the gobbiebag quests. Now, SE has decided to completely fuck over anyone like me that quits for a while. Just when I think they're starting to turn things around, they pull some shit like this and fuck it all up again. Bravo, SE. Bravo.
Monday, June 11, 2007
The Worst of Times....or Late Last Year.

The biggest problem with FFXI is the same one with all MMORPGs: There are other people online at the same time you are. The mob or camp stealing is something I can put up with, but the fact that nearly every single person I encounter on these games is fucking retarded is not. They pollute the chat logs in the cities, defile the party chat with stupid shit about pwning this mob or that mob. Stupid fucks don't seem to realize that they'd be facedown and heading back to Aht Urghan if the rest of the party wasn't there. When everything finally does get fucked to hell and the party dies, who gets blamed? That's right, the war/nin who didn't say three words until loudmouth decided to pull too soon. Like it's my fault. I main tanked the fucking 3 war/nin 2 rng/nin 1 smn/whm party even though the other two gimped-out wars wouldn't voke until the smn got hate. Fucking morons, who invites a taru war/nin wearing just af and fucking courage rings at lvl fucking 60? Hell, who invites an elvaan war/nin using a greatsword? I freely admit being a gearwhore, but those two fucks were the epitome of gimp. After seeing both of them at lvl 69 a few weeks later with the same shitty gear on, I will never try to level war/nin again. If anyone sees me lfg with war/nin send me a tell and I'll send you 25k. I took bst past 60 on Fenrir, so I'll do it again here.

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