The biggest problem with FFXI is the same one with all MMORPGs: There are other people online at the same time you are. The mob or camp stealing is something I can put up with, but the fact that nearly every single person I encounter on these games is fucking retarded is not. They pollute the chat logs in the cities, defile the party chat with stupid shit about pwning this mob or that mob. Stupid fucks don't seem to realize that they'd be facedown and heading back to Aht Urghan if the rest of the party wasn't there. When everything finally does get fucked to hell and the party dies, who gets blamed? That's right, the war/nin who didn't say three words until loudmouth decided to pull too soon. Like it's my fault. I main tanked the fucking 3 war/nin 2 rng/nin 1 smn/whm party even though the other two gimped-out wars wouldn't voke until the smn got hate. Fucking morons, who invites a taru war/nin wearing just af and fucking courage rings at lvl fucking 60? Hell, who invites an elvaan war/nin using a greatsword? I freely admit being a gearwhore, but those two fucks were the epitome of gimp. After seeing both of them at lvl 69 a few weeks later with the same shitty gear on, I will never try to level war/nin again. If anyone sees me lfg with war/nin send me a tell and I'll send you 25k. I took bst past 60 on Fenrir, so I'll do it again here.

couldn't be put any better
Nice to see someone actually found this.
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