I hit level 30 there, and after a long while of nobody helping me unlock any of the extra jobs Yindragon was told to fuck off and I quit the shell. A few weeks later when I was leveling ninja in the Dunes, Kaboom is /shouting for a linkshell that’s recruiting. He was a Taru by now but oddly enough, remembered me. With little fanfare, I joined Ignited. Its leader, a hume female named Meenah seemed pretty cool and actually helped me unlock Summoner and get rank 5. Unfortunately, that was the only decent thing she’d do for the rest of the time I was in the ls. Her apparent boyfriend, a colostomy bag of a mnk named Kisame was a fucking asshole to everyone at all times. Not just being in a generally disagreeable mood as I often am, the stupid fuck would try to start shit with people, I guess to impress Meenah. Together, those two used pretty much everyone in the shell to reach endgame, where they promptly abandoned it. I logged on one day to find my linkpearl no longer existed. That was too bad, as there were a few good people in there. Endrium, a Red Mage extraordinaire helped me several times, and Kaboom himself was usually entertaining. Every linkshell has a stupid attention whore in it, and Ignited’s was a Galka named Ropeguy. The only asshole Galka I’ve seen since I was on Fenrir, he told us he was like 14 and I shut him the fuck up shortly after. For two years I worked in the adult film industry at a video store/distribution center, and after a couple stories of what that’s like he got real quiet when I logged on. He was probably gay and in denial, so discussions of a sexual nature got him uncomfortable. A few weeks after Ignited broke up, I believe it was Kaboom again that recruited me into MoogleArmy, the linkshell I’m currently in. Its leader, a Taru named Kyssandra is easily one of the nicest people I’ve met in game. Ever. She’s always been considerate when it comes to helping people out, and I don’t think I’ve seen her be a bitch to anyone. She probably has at some point, but I wasn’t there. MoogleArmy’s also got the greatest concentration of people that don’t piss me off I’ve been online with in a long time. Kaboom was a member, but I think he quit which sucks ass. Coldwind seems willing to help anyone with anything, and he’s a Galka which reinforces my earlier statement on most Galka players being better people than the other races. One of these days I’ll have something to ask him for help with. Katsumoto is one of about three people I’ve ever met whose bullshit threshold is nearly as low as mine. If any member, new or old, is acting like a fucking moron Kats very quickly puts an end to that, which saves me from having to do it myself. I don’t want to be kicked out of the only good linkshell I’ve been in, so I’ll stop naming members and commenting on them before I get to the people I don’t much care for. If you’re curious, just send me a /tell the next time you see me.
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