Bahamut is home to a diverse group of people. The longer and longer I’ve played here, the more I’ve come to realize that nearly all of them suck. Severely. There are some though, that have managed to prove themselves not as stupid or annoying as the rest. Most, if not all, of these people belong to the MoogleArmy linkshell like me. This time, I talk with one of the more helpful members of the MoogleArmy linkshell, Houzukimaru. As always, questions will be in BOLD. All responses are unedited and will appear in ITALICS. Any additional comments by me will be in parentheses ( ).
How long have you been playing FFXI?Houzukimaru: Well hyo,yuki and me started playing around American release, but we quit shortly after. I still can't get over the fact that yuki was a Mithra. A year later I joined back up but on titan server, that didn't last to longer either. Eventually hyo started playing again and got me to signed up again. How did you choose your character’s name?Houzukimaru: Its not very original, I got from an anime.(Anime? He's right, that isn't very original.)
Mostly to mirror hyourin name (which should have been hyourinmaru). But Ever since, I kinda got used to being called Houzu, which is pronounced hoe-zoo (Hoe-zoo? Sounds like the trailer park a few blocks down the road from me.)
and not Howzu.(I've been saying it like the word "who'se")
Why did you choose to make your character a hume?Houzukimaru: Oddly enough I was originally I was an elvaan.(Elvaan? BOOOO!)
This time I wanted a job that would be good at everything, not that it really matters what race you are for a job anyways. But since I went on to lvl melee,mage and tank jobs. I think I made the right choice.I usually see you playing as a SAM or PLD. What other jobs do you enjoy playing?Houzukimaru: SAM and PLD are my bread and butter. lately though I have playing alot on smn and bst I recommend them both. BST is kinda painful though. Which do you like less: Rabao or San d’Oria?Houzukimaru: jeez, thats not a fair question.(Yes it is.)
umm, I guess rabao. Cause at least sandy has some purpose as a starter city. But the only thing I see anyone do in rabao is to job change to warp out. So essentially we just go there to leave, which is pretty sad. If SE were to change rabao into just the nomad moogle. No one would care or notice.Which do you like more: Bastok or Kazham?Houzukimaru: eh, Kazham. Hot Mithra running around... whats not to love?Have you killed Roc yet and gotten the title “Roc Star”? I saw on the boards a while back you wanted that title.Houzukimaru: Unfortunately the one time I had the chance to go kill him I didn't go. Quickswipe told me he was up But since we were both 60ish and with no way to kill it I thought he was being crazy. But the next time I checked him he had the "roc star" title. (Now we know: Never doubt Quickswipe. I myself would like the title "Bye-Bye, Taisai".)
Are there any linkshell members you really dislike?Houzukimaru: Ummm yeah but they tend to leave. Elov, amiyumi, hmmm.. actually anyone who leaves us I consider a turncoat.
Are there any members you like more than the others?Houzukimaru: Ron without a doubt.What would you like to see SE add to the game?Houzukimaru: A little more creativity added to the character creation. Maybe another race or something like that. Nothing major though.What would you like to see them change or just remove? Houzukimaru: I dunno if changing anything would really help. If every time you logged into the game it gave you free ice cream and a bow job, People would still complain.(Some players
are lactose intolerant, I guess.)
If you could be any ingame monster, what would you be? Why?Houzukimaru: The Robber crab that agros you at the worst possible moment in kuftal tunnel.(Yeah, I love those guys.)
When you leave FFXI forever, what do you want people to remember about you?Houzukimaru: The guy who made those movies that no one ever got around to watching. :DNext week: The recently returned Quickswipe.