I’m just guessing, but parties in the 50’s could actually be able to find a couple spots to camp and get pretty good xp just in Batallia, Rolanberry and Sauromugue. As it was, I was keeping Sneak and Invisible up in the very long walk from Batallia to Sauromugue. Not having access to Jeuno sucks ass. My character being Windurstian, I immediately wanted to head to my home city to see how things looked. Turns out, a few things are different in the past. Tahrongi Canyon is blocked off which forces you to head through Fort Karugo Narugo. The Fort is one of the new zones in the game, and without a map it’s very easy to become lost. Too easy, I say. I got lost and wandered around for over an hour before I got fed up and warped away. For now I’ll go back to leveling Samurai, which I just hit 50 with. The past can wait.

Its too bad that you didn't enjoyed the past as much because of the intention of SE. Congratulations on 50 :).
Yea the expansion is shit, it feels like playing a beta game, incomplete.
the past blows, its so empty and boring
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