With Warrior at 75 and Scholar being a boring pile, I decided to go back to Samurai for a while. It’s already 59, so I figured I could just do Campaign Battles to level it up until I could afford some non-gimp gear. One of those would be the Daihannya, a nice Great Katana. It drops off the Keeper of Halidom in the Sanctuary of Zi’Tah, and according to wiki the drop rate is an awesome 0.6%. Since I’d be farming Goobbues while camping the NM, I thought it would be okay. So I headed out to Zi’Tah to where the big guy spawns and get the 2 Goobbues there locked down, killing each one right as they respawn. A thf/nin was out there too farming just tree cutting, and we got to talking. (S)he would help kill the NM and keep the cutting and 2 clumps of moss it drops, and if the sword drops I’d get that. So I started a pt with the thf and got to work. About 20 minutes in, guess who shows up?

Yes, I am farming wearing a scorpion harness. Anyway, we kill the NM and the Daihannya actually drops! So I cast my lot and hit ctrl+7, my warp cudgel equip macro. At least, I thought that’s what it was. Apparently I hit the up arrow a time too many switching between sam and war macros and ended up on my old blm macro list. For some reason I’d made a pt disband macro, and I’ll give you three guesses to pick with number it was assigned to. That’s right ctrl+7. The pt disbands and all the treasure the Keeper of Halidom had dropped are totally lost. Now I’m stuck in Zi’Tah until I can get another daihannya or make enough gil to just go buy one….
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