Anyway, I’ve done a few of these 15-20 runs, somewhere in the upper teens. The first goes fine and we clear it, but nothing drops. The second run we get stuck for a few minutes on one of those “Light the lamps in a certain order” floors and run out of time halfway through killing the floor 20 boss. The third we get through everything fast again, and Goliard Clogs drop. Since me and the red mage were the only ones that seemed to actually want them, we both cast our lots. Her: 9 (very me-like) Me: 977. The Goliard Clogs were mine, and the red mage didn’t seem too happy that I couldn’t use them right away. She (I refer to the rdm as a she since it was a Mithra. Chances are it was a guy.) was upset for a few minutes, but didn’t seem to mind all that much after a while. We all had tags for a 4th run, and ran out of time again with the boss at 2%. While I would’ve preferred that Great Axe that let’s you unlock King’s Justice, I’ll settle for footgear I’ll be able to use in the not-so-distant future.
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