Saturday, June 6, 2009

Who Are the People Leaving Your Neighborhood?: Me!

The Bahamut server is home to a very diverse group of people. Pretty much all of them suck. Severely. There are some though, that have managed to prove themselves not as stupid or annoying as the rest. Most, if not all, of these people belonged to the MoogleArmy linkshell like I used to. This week I’ll be posting my own answers to my own questions. Groundbreaking, I know. As always, questions will be in BOLD. All responses are unedited and will appear in ITALICS.

How long have you been playing FFXI?

I made my first character, a Hume Red Mage about 4 days after the NA release on the Fenrir server.

How did you choose your character’s name?
Honestly, I didn’t. I hit the name generator until something I thought looked good came up. I was almost Caldyr.

Why did you choose to make your character a Hume?
Elvaan are fucking gay, I thought the Mithras were okay if you like being hit on by sad, sad basement nerds. Galkas were interesting, but I didn’t realize the gap in stats between Humes and mage Galkas or Humes and melee Tarus was so small. I should’ve just flipped a coin between Galka and Tarutaru, but when I saw face 7A I had to pick that one. When I was in college I grew a beard out exactly like it.

I usually see you playing as a WAR. What other jobs do you enjoy playing?
Scholar, actually. I know I didn’t think sch was all that appealing when WoTG was released, but once I started playing it I had fun. Being as versatile as a war in magely matters was cool. Thief also had its moments once I had SATA. Same with Samurai, it had cool moments.

Which do you like less: Norg or Aht Urhgan Whitegate?
Whitegate, easily. Norg might not have anyone in it or all that much to do, but it’ll always be a nice town you can just /sit down in and relax. Whitegate usually had some kind of morons /shouting at each other about something fucking stupid. Nobody cares that you think FF7 was the most awesome of all games ever. You are wrong.

Which do you like more: Jeuno or San d’Oria[S]?
Jeuno is always fun as long as the /shouting idiots aren’t around to ruin everything. The city itself also has a pretty cool design. I won’t let myself get started with what’s wrong in San d’Oria[S].

You’re a pretty big jerk, you know that?

Are there any linkshell members you really dislike?
Where do I start? Just scroll down and see if your name is on the bad half of the list.

Are there any members you like more than the others?
Everyone on the good half of the list. They’re what made this game tolerable and occasionally enjoyable for a long, long time.

What would you like to see SE add to the game?
FFXIV to fix what was wrong with FFXI. I don’t want to play a 3d version of Diablo II, I want to play Final Fantasy online with a bunch of idiots that will make me start a blog to complain about them.

What would you like SE to change or remove completely?
The answer above pretty much covers this question too.

If you could be any ingame monster, which would you choose and why?
A Yovra. Although I never got to “sea”, I did read a few stories about what those big UFO-looking bastards can and would do to people.

When you leave FFXI forever, what do you want people to remember about you?
I’ve already left, and what everyone remembers is up to them. If you see a bearded Tarutaru in FFXIV, you might be seeing me.


As I progressed though the years playing this game, I had to wonder:

About the game:

Is PUP the most misunderstood job ever, even though it took Colibri for people to understand what DRGs were capable of all along?

Is NIN the most overrated job ever? (yes)

Why let WARs use nearly every weapon if they’ll suck with all but 3 or 4?

Can SE’s next MMORPG correct the mistakes they made with FFXI, or will it just be a re-skin of World of Warcraft instead?

Why don’t most NMs use different textures than normal monsters around them, instead of just being bigger? Look at Stinging Sophie or Tom Tit Tat for examples. Make TTT a black Mandragora instead, and people would really be able to pick the little guy out. I can’t remember if Leaping Lizzy’s bigger than normal, but if she spawned as one of those gray lizards, that would’ve been cool.

Have there ever been more than 3 female players using Mithras logged on at the same time?

Why are people playing as Galkas usually the best people?

How did SE get a pretty good picture of me in college for face 7A?

Why didn’t every zone get music?

What the hell kind of retard arachnids don’t even have eight legs?

Are the Elvaan the gayest version of elves ever seen, not counting that LARP guy I saw at the gas station right before FFXI was released?

And about my own life:

How did my wife tolerate all the time I spent on this?

Am I really getting older AND wiser, or just older?

If all I’m doing is getting older, why is everyone else getting stupider?

Why are the people who act the stupidest usually the most successful on this game?

Is the game really worth 15 dollars a month?

Are the people you meet there worth 15 dollars a month?

Will it be easy to forget about everything you’ve done, the friends you’ve made and adventures you’ve had in 4 years, even if it was in a virtual world?

People That Made Most My FFXI Time Worth a Damn In the Order I Can Remember Them:

Alexandrioz – The only person from my first server I can remember one way or the other.

I know I’m missing a few others, but they’ll survive.

People Being Mentioned Because They Suck (No, you don’t get an explanation.):

Nephelim or was it Nephilem? Can’t remember the spelling.

Strange how the lists have filled out over the years. Despite not really getting anywhere in any of the expansions’ storylines (CoP is gay) or leveling more than one job to 75, I still think it was a pretty good run and I had a lot of fun despite everyone else. I won’t forget about you guys, and if I ever make my way back I hope you’ll remember me.