My ongoing series of interviews with linkshell members has brought something to my attention; FFXI doesn’t piss me off nearly as much as it used to. Sure, I can’t seem to get any Assault missions done, or even get past rank 5. That doesn’t really bother me, though I guess it should. I’ve been rank 5 for over two years, but I’m still not at the level range where having Sky access becomes necessary. I don’t give much of a fuck about competing with some gil-seller bitches for some stupid NM in Sky, or about “endgame” in general. I think I’ll concentrate on SE’s twisted sense of humor and work towards an Optical Hat. Of course something that fugly would have good stats. SE enjoys watching its customers parade about in the least impressive-looking gear. It would be really fucking hard to make hairpins visible, wouldn’t it? I’d actually enjoy having a little bug wing on my head whenever I’m wearing my emperor’s hairpin. That would be fucking sweet. Maybe around Christmas or something when I get closer to 70 I’ll start bothering the MoogleArmy for help with getting past rank 5. Speaking of MoogleArmy, I think a lot of my more laid-back attitude is their fault. More and more of the aggravating dumbfucks have been driven out. I suppose I owe Katsumoto and Aricelia some thanks for that. Without the intolerance and occasional rudeness they bring to the linkshell, there’s a good possibility that the MoogleArmy would’ve been overrun with morons by now. I’ve been a part of a linkshell with too many stupid fucks and not enough good people to know what happens shortly after the idiot : not idiot ratio becomes unbalanced too far in the idiot direction. When Cyaan quit about a week ago, he told me how he was sitting right next to Jedimasta and me when I gave Jedi my Haubergeon. I honestly don’t even remember him being there. He remembered me though, and that still strikes me. In Kyssandra’s blog, she revealed that she’s actually been a guy all along. I can’t really say I’m surprised as I assume everyone that plays a female character is a guy (or desperately wants to not be). I am surprised that he’s been able to pull this ruse off throughout his entire time in FFXI, as Skype has become a popular way for some of the linkshell to talk to each other. I find things like that or teamspeak, etc. take away from the anonymity of online gaming so I don’t bother with them. Anything worth saying to me can be typed, and anything you can’t type I don’t want to hear. Fuck, most of what people type I wouldn’t want to hear out loud anyway.

Where the fuck is my shadow?
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