How long have you been playing FFXI?
I have been playing FFXI since NA release. Played for a while and quit, then I came back and quit, had that yo-yo effect going. But when with the release of the Xbox 360 version I said to myself: "Now is the perfect time to come back to the game and get a job to 75". Now I have two lv 75 jobs and working on my third.(Show-off...)
What made you choose Galka as the race for your character?
Well, Tarutaru were too cute, Mithras are woman and I don't like playing female characters, Elvaan were too creepy with their long necks and Hume were too bland for me because they aren't great at anything stat wise. Galka caught my attention from the get go, the loveable big guy, big hp boost because I wanted to be a monk or paladin at the time.
How did you choose your character’s name?
I like the cold weather, which is weird coming from a person that lives in a tropical island, goes with the theme that the Galkas get slave names in Bastok too.
Which job do you enjoy the most?
The Paladin job. Protecting others is my job.
According to your blog (which should be required reading for the rest of MA), you were originally from Bastok but now call Windurst home. Why did you pick Windurst? Do you hate San d’Oria as much as I do, or is Windurst simply the lesser of two evils?
I picked Windurst because is a beautiful place to hang out. Also you can warp around to get to places, which is neat. San d'Oria is such a boring place, I go there as little as possible.
Which do you like more: Rabao or Kazham? Why?
Kazham because is near a jungle, when you have to party there the zone is very close and the auction house is linked to Windurst, the greatest nation.
Which do you like less: Jeuno or Aht Urhgan Whitegate? Why?
I like Aht Urhgan less, its cool that its such a small zone but the lag is terrible.
I’ve noticed that you leveled Beastmaster to 40 very quickly (getting close to 50, too.). Almost too quickly, in fact. Are you from the same race of super-leveling mutant/robots Kyss is?
Lol. The super-leveling mutat/robots will take over the world soon enough.(I knew it!!) I enjoy the Beastmaster job a lot, the advantage of the job is I don't have to wait for a party invite I can do it all by myself. Been able to do that instead on waiting on others to get exp is why I've been flying through levels.(Again, show-off....)
You don’t have to name names (it would be funny if you did), but are there any linkshell members you really, really don’t like?
I can't say I don't like anyone, but I can't recall the names at the moment (most have gone already).
Are there any linkshell members you like more than the rest?
There are a lot of members I like in the linkshell, the one that stands out is Jeangallo. With Jean there is always something crazy to do. Doesn't matter if we win or we lose horribly is always fun.
What would you like to see added or changed in FFXI?
More exp zones for meripo, right now those places are always crowded. A nomad moogle in Selbina/Mhaura. More love for the Paladins, Thief and of course Beastmaster.(A tweak on PLDs that finally makes nin tanks obsolete would be nice. My last two pts had nin tanks and they couldn't hold hate worth a shit.)
What would you like to see taken out? Why?
Exp loss when you die, because my Paladin don't get much party invites to get it back.
If you could be any kind of ingame monster, which would you be and why?
Super high level chigoe, a very annoying monster that hits people hard and very fast, would like to see a bunch of dead bodies around me.(I haven't had the pleasure of fighting a chigoe yet, but the idea of a zone of corpses is appealing.)
I’ve noticed that you don’t seem to get upset or pissed off at anything that happens ingame. How do you manage that?
I always have fun no matter what happens in the game. It has to be something really bad or annoying to get me very upset.(I will be watching the ls chat very carefully for the day that happens.)
When you decide to leave FFXI forever, what do you want people to remember about you?
I would like to be remembered as a person who had a lot of fun helping others in everything I could.
Next week: He’s unpredictable(according to Cold, anyway)! He’s a RDM! He's marrying Larien ingame! He’s a…female Elvaan?! I attempt to unravel the mystery of the only female Elvaan I can actually recognize at first glance, Jeangallo!

1 comment:
Awesome post, very entertaining. The only real time I've seen cold lose his cool is when he's with krile at 3 in the morning.
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