As the three of you that read this blog know, I’m currently leveling Samurai. Got it up to 40 and did my AF weapon quest with Aricelia and Houzukimaru’s help. Thank you again, both of you. So, I’m lfp in Jeuno, hoping maybe to hit 41 when I get a /tell from someone named Rocca, asking if I want to party. “Of course I do”, was my reply. {|Crawler’s Nest|} and some coordinates is the answer to that. I don’t have the map to the Nest, never bothered to do the ungodly long quest for it. Most parties are in a few spots, and I can usually wander around until I find them. Well, not this time. This time, I get to wander around with Sneak and Invis up for half a fucking hour, while the only response to my /tells for directions are fucking coordinates. I ask for an escort to camp, and get no reply. After finding the Treasure Coffer and seeing a Warrior open it up for his AF headpiece, I decided it was time to leave. As my warp scroll was activating, I got to thinking. With the exception of a few linkshell members that I have never xp partied with and will probably never will xp party with, I don’t think there’s a single person in the game I like or have any respect for at all.
Here’s a nice link of xp spots everyone should read, even if they know most of them already:
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Friday, October 26, 2007
Just Check My Gear, Dimwit and Some Parties Are Just Better.
Last night I got an invite from a person named Sakaki. I thought it was odd that they kept asking me all these questions about my gear and food. By “odd”, I mean it was starting to piss me off pretty damn bad. If you’re going to ask me a million fucking questions, just find me in Jeuno and /check me. I’m not sure why anyone gets offended when people /check them to see what gear they have. I want to see what people use at 75, and I wanted know what that crazy purple jacket Cold had on was. Turns out, it was a Pahluwan Kazagand. I think SE just jumbles letters together to name half the gear ingame. If anyone can post a comment on what the hell that gibberish is supposed to mean, I’d appreciate it.

Anyway, this Sakaki person told me to head to Aht Urhgan. As I’ve set my home point in Jeuno and have only heard rumors of a taru that will warp you back to that lag-ridden shithole, I had to ask Sakaki where we were headed. They answered Yhoator Jungle, right near the crystal, and if I could get a teleport out there we’d just meet up. I thought that was a little odd, as most parties at 37-39 head to Crawler’s Nest. Pretty much everyone that’s reading this knows how god-awful that place is. It’s where most people learn to hate pullers that pull links, as most parties will be fighting Worker Crawlers. Well, guess what? There are a handful of Worker Crawlers (around 7-9) right around the Teleport-Yhoat crystal, and that’s just enough for a good party to xp off of for a long time. As the party teleported in and invited me, I noticed there were only four of us. Sakaki (Bard), Masago (Paladin), Spicytuna (Warrior), and me. There was also a whm taru named Bubbles, who would be our pl. Right from the first crawler, I knew this party would be a good one. The four of us were taking IT mobs down faster than most 6-man parties I’d been in. I teleported to Yhoator at level 37, and had to leave after hitting 39. (Stupid job, I should just fire everyone else and give myself a couple months off…..)

I still can’t use Berserk without nearly getting killed, but this party could almost keep hate off me the two times I actually did use it. If Samurai keeps being this much fun, I may never go back to warrior. That’s probably a lie, though.

Anyway, this Sakaki person told me to head to Aht Urhgan. As I’ve set my home point in Jeuno and have only heard rumors of a taru that will warp you back to that lag-ridden shithole, I had to ask Sakaki where we were headed. They answered Yhoator Jungle, right near the crystal, and if I could get a teleport out there we’d just meet up. I thought that was a little odd, as most parties at 37-39 head to Crawler’s Nest. Pretty much everyone that’s reading this knows how god-awful that place is. It’s where most people learn to hate pullers that pull links, as most parties will be fighting Worker Crawlers. Well, guess what? There are a handful of Worker Crawlers (around 7-9) right around the Teleport-Yhoat crystal, and that’s just enough for a good party to xp off of for a long time. As the party teleported in and invited me, I noticed there were only four of us. Sakaki (Bard), Masago (Paladin), Spicytuna (Warrior), and me. There was also a whm taru named Bubbles, who would be our pl. Right from the first crawler, I knew this party would be a good one. The four of us were taking IT mobs down faster than most 6-man parties I’d been in. I teleported to Yhoator at level 37, and had to leave after hitting 39. (Stupid job, I should just fire everyone else and give myself a couple months off…..)

I still can’t use Berserk without nearly getting killed, but this party could almost keep hate off me the two times I actually did use it. If Samurai keeps being this much fun, I may never go back to warrior. That’s probably a lie, though.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Turns out, it’s easier to just sell stuff than actually camp Ochimusha Kote NM
Leveling SAM is more fun than I thought it would be. Unfortunately, one of the most important pieces of equipment for a Samurai is the Ochiudo’s Kote. Mee Deggi the Punisher, a Yagudo NM in Castle Oztroja used to drop Ochiudo’s Kote. Then gilsellers decided to camp him all day, every day. SE decided to fix this problem by changing what Mee Deggi drops from Ochiudo’s Kote to Ochimusha Kote. They do the the exact same thing, but the Ochimusha are rare/ex and therefore unsellable. I went to camp this NM a couple weeks back. As it only spawns every 1 to 4 hours (possibly longer, I don’t know), and the room he spawns in is still fairly crowded with competition, it was not easy task. I’ll admit I got lucky the first time I went to camp him, as he spawned not ten minutes after I arrived. Here’s a nice pic of me locked in mortal combat with the stupid bastard.

As is the way things often go with me, he did not drop the Kote. I got a pair of Impact Knuckles instead. All that gets you is 2k on the auction house. It got time for me to sleep, so I warped back to Jeuno, swearing to camp this bird until I got my Kote. I returned to the Castle the next day. After nearly two hours of watching people I think are stupid gilsellers that haven’t figured out the rare/ex thing yet kill yagudos, Mee Deggi spawns again. I brought a great axe with me, but the fight still took about the same amount of time.

Of course, I didn’t get the Kote. More Impact Knuckles for me. I didn’t warp back this time, so I’d be in the castle when I logged on next. The next night, he didn’t spawn for the entire 3 hours I was online, leaving me to sit on a platform and reconsider my current course of action.

I was much more interested in leveling Samurai than warrior at the moment, so I decided to sell the warrior gear I’d bought that I couldn’t use yet. Hauberk, Exorcist Hose, and sadly my Assault Earring all were sold so I could just buy the Ochiudo’s Kote from the auction house. While it is comforting to know that I will never ever have a need for new hand armor, it’s pretty fucking lame it cost so much to get.

As is the way things often go with me, he did not drop the Kote. I got a pair of Impact Knuckles instead. All that gets you is 2k on the auction house. It got time for me to sleep, so I warped back to Jeuno, swearing to camp this bird until I got my Kote. I returned to the Castle the next day. After nearly two hours of watching people I think are stupid gilsellers that haven’t figured out the rare/ex thing yet kill yagudos, Mee Deggi spawns again. I brought a great axe with me, but the fight still took about the same amount of time.

Of course, I didn’t get the Kote. More Impact Knuckles for me. I didn’t warp back this time, so I’d be in the castle when I logged on next. The next night, he didn’t spawn for the entire 3 hours I was online, leaving me to sit on a platform and reconsider my current course of action.

I was much more interested in leveling Samurai than warrior at the moment, so I decided to sell the warrior gear I’d bought that I couldn’t use yet. Hauberk, Exorcist Hose, and sadly my Assault Earring all were sold so I could just buy the Ochiudo’s Kote from the auction house. While it is comforting to know that I will never ever have a need for new hand armor, it’s pretty fucking lame it cost so much to get.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Who are the People in Your Neighborhood? Part 4: Aricelia
The Bahamut server is home to a very diverse group of people. Nearly all of them suck. Severely. There are some though, that have managed to prove themselves not as stupid or annoying as the rest. Most, if not all, of these people belong to the MoogleArmy linkshell like me. This week, I get to talk with another of the few Mithras I’ve been assured is an actual female human. As always, questions will be in BOLD. All responses are unedited and will appear in ITALICS. Any additional comments by me will be in parentheses ( ).
How long have you been playing FFXI?
Little over a year, I started August 1st, 2006.
Why did you choose to make your character a Mithra?
Well, I prefer to play female characters, and the choices were a limited for me. Humes are too plain for me, elvaan way too gangly, and taru too cute. I usually joke that I wish I made a taru, but I have no regrets on making a mithra.(Gangly means "Fucking ugly")
How did you choose your character's name?
It was the name of a character I had elsewhere, but I won't say where because people would laugh. :'((I'm betting Animal Crossing.)
I usually see you playing as DRK, or now as WHM. Is there another job that you enjoy?
There are a few jobs I'm quit fond of. I had a fun time leveling SAM 1-37 especially. But BRD is my current interest.
Which do you like less: Norg or Kazham?
Norg. It's just so damn far away. Plus pirates and ninja were not meant to live together in peace.
Which do you like more: Bastok or San d’Oria?
Oh c'mon, everyone knows they're both horrible. But, I'd have to say San d'Oria. It's not as.. dirty, as Bastok is.(That's the first time anyone picked Fag d'Oria. Interesting...)
Many people in the linkshell think you’re a bitch most of the time. Are you an actual bitch, or do you just have a low threshold for stupid shit, like I do?
Just a low threshold for stupidity. Say something stupid, and I will call you out on your bullshit. There are enough idiots irl as is.
You own a Hecatomb harness and a full set of DRK AF2. Has it actually improved your DRKnicity, is it just cool to look at, or both?
Both, of course. But the hecatomb harness has definitely helped me out, as have my relic hands (and make me look completely bad ass).
You were talking about leveling Bard recently. Any ideas as to why there aren’t many Mithra Bards?
Well, considering females make up a good percentage of the BRD player base, and how most mithra are guys irl.. that probably has something to do with it.
Are there any linkshell members that you just fucking hate?
Oh, of course. I won't name names, but they know who they are.(Nobody ever names names.)
Are there any members that you like more than the rest?
Yes, the people that help me keep my sanity. Bass, Bermy, Houz, Hyo, Jean, Lar, Kyss, GoA, Dae and of course you Omael. :D
What would you like SE to add to the game?
More customization with character creation.
What would you like to see them change or just remove?
When you lose targeting when you change gear, that still drives me nuts.
If you could be any ingame monster, what would you be? Why?
Goobbue. They just look so damn lazy, like all they're meant to do is stand around and slap around anyone stupid enough to get close to them.
When you leave FFXI forever, what do you want people to remember about you?
I want to be remembered as "that one bitchy drk that hassled people for no reason."
Next: I don’t really know, so I’ll just pick someone eventually. Here's a nice picture of Aricelia and me to tide you over until then.
How long have you been playing FFXI?
Little over a year, I started August 1st, 2006.
Why did you choose to make your character a Mithra?
Well, I prefer to play female characters, and the choices were a limited for me. Humes are too plain for me, elvaan way too gangly, and taru too cute. I usually joke that I wish I made a taru, but I have no regrets on making a mithra.(Gangly means "Fucking ugly")
How did you choose your character's name?
It was the name of a character I had elsewhere, but I won't say where because people would laugh. :'((I'm betting Animal Crossing.)
I usually see you playing as DRK, or now as WHM. Is there another job that you enjoy?
There are a few jobs I'm quit fond of. I had a fun time leveling SAM 1-37 especially. But BRD is my current interest.
Which do you like less: Norg or Kazham?
Norg. It's just so damn far away. Plus pirates and ninja were not meant to live together in peace.
Which do you like more: Bastok or San d’Oria?
Oh c'mon, everyone knows they're both horrible. But, I'd have to say San d'Oria. It's not as.. dirty, as Bastok is.(That's the first time anyone picked Fag d'Oria. Interesting...)
Many people in the linkshell think you’re a bitch most of the time. Are you an actual bitch, or do you just have a low threshold for stupid shit, like I do?
Just a low threshold for stupidity. Say something stupid, and I will call you out on your bullshit. There are enough idiots irl as is.
You own a Hecatomb harness and a full set of DRK AF2. Has it actually improved your DRKnicity, is it just cool to look at, or both?
Both, of course. But the hecatomb harness has definitely helped me out, as have my relic hands (and make me look completely bad ass).
You were talking about leveling Bard recently. Any ideas as to why there aren’t many Mithra Bards?
Well, considering females make up a good percentage of the BRD player base, and how most mithra are guys irl.. that probably has something to do with it.
Are there any linkshell members that you just fucking hate?
Oh, of course. I won't name names, but they know who they are.(Nobody ever names names.)
Are there any members that you like more than the rest?
Yes, the people that help me keep my sanity. Bass, Bermy, Houz, Hyo, Jean, Lar, Kyss, GoA, Dae and of course you Omael. :D
What would you like SE to add to the game?
More customization with character creation.
What would you like to see them change or just remove?
When you lose targeting when you change gear, that still drives me nuts.
If you could be any ingame monster, what would you be? Why?
Goobbue. They just look so damn lazy, like all they're meant to do is stand around and slap around anyone stupid enough to get close to them.
When you leave FFXI forever, what do you want people to remember about you?
I want to be remembered as "that one bitchy drk that hassled people for no reason."
Next: I don’t really know, so I’ll just pick someone eventually. Here's a nice picture of Aricelia and me to tide you over until then.

No More Ninja……….EVER!!
A couple weeks ago in the evening I logged onto FF with the idea of leveling bst. Until you hit 35, bst levels kinda slow and I got bored. The moogle wasn’t done spinning as I changed my main job to ninja and someone was already inviting me to a party. As my ninja was 36 and I only wanted to level it to 37, I grabbed my ninja gear and headed out. The party was actually very well organized, and I hit 37 in a little less than an hour. When I first showed up at camp, I told them I was leaving as soon as I hit 37, but they must not have heard me. Once my scroll of Utsusemi: Ni was used, I warped the hell out of there. I got a few /tells expressing their confusion and anger at my sudden departure, so I reiterated that I was leaving at 37, and pulling that beetle was a bad idea since I was the only tank. My career as a ninja is over and done with, so now I will need to decide between thief and samurai whenever I get bored with beastmaster and warrior. Samurai is fun but I don’t like the dearth of DD’s that this game has, resulting in me sitting in Jeuno of Kazham with my lfg flag up for hours. I’ve only gotten thief to 15, so that would mean a return to the Dunes. While that would be a huge deterrent to most, I actually like trying to help people figure out the best way to perform their role in the party. If it means taking the entire group back to Bastok to buy some gear and maps, that’s fine with me. I like running through Konschtat Highlands, and my original character was from Bastok, so the city has nothing but good memories for me. I learned a long time ago that most people are in a rush to level as quickly as possible, so they don’t know how to earn decent gil yet. I usually take the opportunity to tell people the best spots (Zegham Hill) and mobs to farm (bees) that will give them a fair amount of gil for the levels they are. If they happen to be San d’Orian, I’ve even offered to pay so they could change allegiance to Bastok. So far, I’ve had seven people accept the offer and join a non-gay country.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
The Dunes: Fun, Fun, Fun in the Sun, Sun, Sun
I started leveling samurai again. It’s pretty sweet, but people want you to use thf as a subjob once you get past 30. As my thf was only level 15, I had to return to the Valkurm Dunes. Most people get into their first xp parties in the Dunes. The vast majority of those people are fucking morons who will someday pass me in level. I’m not so much mad that they pass me lvl-wise, I’m more upset that the smarter people will invite them in a desperate race to 75 (37 for subjobs). The XBOX 360 is responsible for this newest gaggle of gimpy-equipped morons to overrun what is actually a pretty nice looking area. Warriors using swords and no shields. Warriors using swords, for that matter. One warrior was using a club, for fuck’s sake and actually got mad when I booted his ass out of the party. Dark Knights in leather armor using whatever scythe that is right before the lvl 10 one you get from Bastok CP. Idiots that can’t check the party list and see that the party leader (me) is the thf and has already said they’d be pulling. Then these morons run off and voke a pugil, which kills them pretty goddamn fast. That should’ve been a disaster if not for the PL that came with the gimpy retard warrior. My party had 5 people in it for most of the time, and we never needed to heal. The one time we had 6 was the actual disaster. I got a /tell from another thf that they needed an invite and would bring along a pl. I said fine, thinking two pls would be awesome. Once again, my thinking was wrong. The second pl was /anon, and while the first pl was resting to get mp back, the second pl told us to pull. Turns out, the second pl dies four hits after gaining hate and delevels to level 20. It suddenly dawned on me that the second pl was only level 21. WHO THE FUCK BRINGS A LVL 21 PL TO A PARTY?! Turns out, it was a douchebag named Kuirin or Kuiruin or Kiruin (one of those, anyway). As the pugil did me a favor and killed him after his pl, it made it very easy to kick him from the party. A few minutes later I got a /tell from him blaming the brd for pulling too soon and that I was going to get /blacklisted. It’s been a long, long time since I’ve been blacklisted. As I can’t speak to him, hopefully I’ll never see this idiot again either. So for once, it actually felt pretty good. Here’s a screenshot of me and the Bard, who looks just like me.

Too bad I've only seen the blond version of this face on Kaboom's old character.

Too bad I've only seen the blond version of this face on Kaboom's old character.
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