How long have you been playing FFXI?
Little over a year, I started August 1st, 2006.
Why did you choose to make your character a Mithra?
Well, I prefer to play female characters, and the choices were a limited for me. Humes are too plain for me, elvaan way too gangly, and taru too cute. I usually joke that I wish I made a taru, but I have no regrets on making a mithra.(Gangly means "Fucking ugly")
How did you choose your character's name?
It was the name of a character I had elsewhere, but I won't say where because people would laugh. :'((I'm betting Animal Crossing.)
I usually see you playing as DRK, or now as WHM. Is there another job that you enjoy?
There are a few jobs I'm quit fond of. I had a fun time leveling SAM 1-37 especially. But BRD is my current interest.
Which do you like less: Norg or Kazham?
Norg. It's just so damn far away. Plus pirates and ninja were not meant to live together in peace.
Which do you like more: Bastok or San d’Oria?
Oh c'mon, everyone knows they're both horrible. But, I'd have to say San d'Oria. It's not as.. dirty, as Bastok is.(That's the first time anyone picked Fag d'Oria. Interesting...)
Many people in the linkshell think you’re a bitch most of the time. Are you an actual bitch, or do you just have a low threshold for stupid shit, like I do?
Just a low threshold for stupidity. Say something stupid, and I will call you out on your bullshit. There are enough idiots irl as is.
You own a Hecatomb harness and a full set of DRK AF2. Has it actually improved your DRKnicity, is it just cool to look at, or both?
Both, of course. But the hecatomb harness has definitely helped me out, as have my relic hands (and make me look completely bad ass).
You were talking about leveling Bard recently. Any ideas as to why there aren’t many Mithra Bards?
Well, considering females make up a good percentage of the BRD player base, and how most mithra are guys irl.. that probably has something to do with it.
Are there any linkshell members that you just fucking hate?
Oh, of course. I won't name names, but they know who they are.(Nobody ever names names.)
Are there any members that you like more than the rest?
Yes, the people that help me keep my sanity. Bass, Bermy, Houz, Hyo, Jean, Lar, Kyss, GoA, Dae and of course you Omael. :D
What would you like SE to add to the game?
More customization with character creation.
What would you like to see them change or just remove?
When you lose targeting when you change gear, that still drives me nuts.
If you could be any ingame monster, what would you be? Why?
Goobbue. They just look so damn lazy, like all they're meant to do is stand around and slap around anyone stupid enough to get close to them.
When you leave FFXI forever, what do you want people to remember about you?
I want to be remembered as "that one bitchy drk that hassled people for no reason."
Next: I don’t really know, so I’ll just pick someone eventually. Here's a nice picture of Aricelia and me to tide you over until then.

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