I started leveling samurai again. It’s pretty sweet, but people want you to use thf as a subjob once you get past 30. As my thf was only level 15, I had to return to the Valkurm Dunes. Most people get into their first xp parties in the Dunes. The vast majority of those people are fucking morons who will someday pass me in level. I’m not so much mad that they pass me lvl-wise, I’m more upset that the smarter people will invite them in a desperate race to 75 (37 for subjobs). The XBOX 360 is responsible for this newest gaggle of gimpy-equipped morons to overrun what is actually a pretty nice looking area. Warriors using swords and no shields. Warriors using swords, for that matter. One warrior was using a club, for fuck’s sake and actually got mad when I booted his ass out of the party. Dark Knights in leather armor using whatever scythe that is right before the lvl 10 one you get from Bastok CP. Idiots that can’t check the party list and see that the party leader (me) is the thf and has already said they’d be pulling. Then these morons run off and voke a pugil, which kills them pretty goddamn fast. That should’ve been a disaster if not for the PL that came with the gimpy retard warrior. My party had 5 people in it for most of the time, and we never needed to heal. The one time we had 6 was the actual disaster. I got a /tell from another thf that they needed an invite and would bring along a pl. I said fine, thinking two pls would be awesome. Once again, my thinking was wrong. The second pl was /anon, and while the first pl was resting to get mp back, the second pl told us to pull. Turns out, the second pl dies four hits after gaining hate and delevels to level 20. It suddenly dawned on me that the second pl was only level 21. WHO THE FUCK BRINGS A LVL 21 PL TO A PARTY?! Turns out, it was a douchebag named Kuirin or Kuiruin or Kiruin (one of those, anyway). As the pugil did me a favor and killed him after his pl, it made it very easy to kick him from the party. A few minutes later I got a /tell from him blaming the brd for pulling too soon and that I was going to get /blacklisted. It’s been a long, long time since I’ve been blacklisted. As I can’t speak to him, hopefully I’ll never see this idiot again either. So for once, it actually felt pretty good. Here’s a screenshot of me and the Bard, who looks just like me.

Too bad I've only seen the blond version of this face on Kaboom's old character.
1 comment:
Damn that sucks, I think I have been lucky every time I had to lv a low level job. The dunes always goes very fast for me without those kinds of parties. Hope you get out of the dunes very soon.
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