Sitting around lfg gets boring pretty quick, so I decided to give Vana’diel’s past another try. My first attempt ended when I circled Fort Karugo Narugo for an hour before I got frustrated and warped back to Aht Urhgan. By now other people had already discovered there was a quest to get the map of the Fort that stymied me completely. Armed with that knowledge, getting the map was incredibly easy. I’ve looked up the quests for the maps of Grauberg and Vunkerl (Venkurl? One of those.) Inlet, and I can say the Fort quest is much easier for non-75s like me. After getting the map, running to Sarutabaruta is a breeze. Right after I got into the area, I got attacked by a goblin. It was annoying and killing me at the same time as I fought it. Luckily one of the new monsters, a pixie, floated by and cured me. They aren’t aggressive and actually help players out, so they are now my favorite type of monster. Here’s a picture of me with my little pixie friend.

After reaching Windurst Waters, I did a couple quests so I can now fight in the campaign battles. While I’m pretty sure you have to be lvl 75 to be an effective dd there, it’s nice to know that pretty much anyone can go fight. I’m looking forward to when the other Windurstians in The Greatest Linkshell Ever can fight by my side. When I say “by my side” I actually mean in front of me. Kyrek’s around 75 war now, and Kyss and Cold are still super fast leveling robots so they should be sporting Maat’s Caps by the end of next week.
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