Each wave has a leader, and there are three that will piss everyone off more than the rest. Kazaan the Peerless gets first mention because his aoe move blows through all 3 shadows from Utsusemi and hits me for between 1800 and 2000 damage every time, leaving me eating grass and cursing at the monitor. Here’s a screenshot of everyone at the Campaign Battle swarming him.

Vaa Oozu the Redolent is second, as I’ve only seen him show up in Meriphataud Mountains [S]. Vaa Oozu’s one of the few bad things about Campaign battles in Meriphataud Mountains [S]. He is apparently a beastmaster, and will summon a scorpion to attack whoever is currently holding hate. As he’s monk, he swings twice and takes down two shadows, leaving me open for his scorpion to swing once, taking the last shadow, then use Death Scissors. Death Scissors is one of those moves I’d like to see work as well for the Blue Mages I pt with as it does for the scorpions. It averages 1900 damage each time, and I think Vaa Oozu’s buddies have fed me that just about ten times since I started taking part in these battles. The third and final Yagudo nm you should watch out for is Dee Xalmo the Grim. He’s a monk type that seems to have a permanent en-Doom effect on all his attacks. For everyone that’s never been Doomed on FFXI, let me tell you how it works. Dee Xalmo hits you. You have 10 seconds to remove Doom (if you can, I don’t know if it’s possible.). After 10 seconds, you die. As he gets closer to dying himself he activates Hundred Fists, meaning a lot of people die in domino-like succession. SE finally decided to do something smart and not have any kind of xp penalty if you die during a Campaign battle, so you don’t have to worry about losing levels. If they’d only do that for “normal” xp parties….
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