And over.
And over.
And over. Alliance or Horde, it was everywhere and all the fucking time. It doesn’t take very long to just get tired of having a chat window when everywhere you go looks like the old /sh fights in Lower Jeuno a few years back. Except it’s about mudkip instead of “Sephiroth/Kefka/Anime Character is the greatest villain of all time! Of all time!!”
I have found that Warcraft does have a few good qualities:
It is so stupidly easy any idiot could do well.
You don’t buy maps.
Hunters get permanent pets. FFXIV should let whatever they call BSTs do that.
Spiders look like spiders. (In 2 models! Woo!)
Very easy to make money.
Of course, there’s always bad to go with any good:
It is so stupidly easy any idiot could do well.
Graphics. I know FFXI is not a very pretty game, but good god damn. Even on the highest settings, World of Warcraft looks like somebody puked neon paint all over an early ps2 game. Seriously.
The player vs. player gets old after about 3 “Battlefields”.
Grinding. What was supposed to be a complete opposite of FFXI’s sit in town lfg/logoff after 4 hrs is instead just as boring. Cleverly disguised as Quests, they slightly change the dialogue on the same 4. “Gather me X of Y and return, oh noble dwarf.” “Kill me X of those nefarious ‘whatever the mobs is in this region’, brave hunter.” “Slay X of slightly different colored Y’s, and bring me the Z’s they have stolen from us! Your honor demands it!” “Use this flaky, white rock to scrawl expletives upon yonder mountainside so that when the orcs look upon it, they will become aware that they suck!” I’m sure there are more. It did not lessen the monotony as much as I thought it would. Oh, but you make money doing them, and you can get awesome items!! You want some dumbass tabard that has a poorly drawn dragon head on it? Get ready to do the same quests I just described with slightly altered dialogue every day for a couple weeks until you can get it. Want to ride a wolf instead of a horse? Better be near one of the levels ending in zero if you want to have a good time on the pvp battlefield.
Endgame. Just as bad as FFXI’s if not worse. Since so many more people play, endgame guilds are pickier about who they allow into their little groups. Most of them will not help you level your character; they’re only interested in making you pay money to redo all your talents to accommodate group play. Mine were all wrong for that, since I’d only been playing solo to the cap of 80. I then had the schedule of events explained to me using as many acronyms as fucking possible. Guess what? Acronyms don’t do me any fucking good if I don’t fucking know what they stand for. Of course my gear is crappy; I played solo the whole way. Anything on the Auction House is obsolete in about 5 levels, so I didn’t spend much time there. “So I only need to do a few runs through this dungeon to get what I need? Can you guys help with that?” Of course they couldn’t. So I’m supposed to join a different guild to get the gear I need to join the guild I first made the mistake of expressing interest in, after they asked me if I’d like to join. Reminds me of that dynamis shell that wouldn’t let me join unless I had Xarcabard access, but wouldn’t help me clear Jeuno and Glacier. Of course, I had those two cleared when I was in that one linkshell with Mogwae. Too bad he’s moved to Pandemonium.
I logged off WoW that night and cancelled my account. A couple days later, POL was updating itself and I was back on FFXI. I’d seen a little bit about the add-ons SE released, and decided to get the first two. If they were good I’d get the last one. As anyone (if anyone) who reads this knows, warrior is the only job I’ve gotten to 75. Naturally, it means that the final battle of A Crystalline Prophecy is a massive pain in the ass. Summoners, Rangers and Samurai Rangers can apparently clear the battle with few problems, if any. Guess what? My friend list has maybe 2 people still active on it, and I don’t think Bass has Ranger or Summoner at 75. So I have to /shout for help and hope I can get people that know what they’re doing even if they aren’t the “proper” jobs. 0/5 on that last BCNM so far. For 10 bucks, why not just let us download the stupid armor itself? The add-on’s story is stupid and contradicts several things you learn about earlier in the game. I haven’t even started on A Moogle Kupo d’etat. So far, it looks like I wasted 20 bucks and a few hours. Could be worse, I wasted a couple months and 110 bucks on WoW. About a week after I returned to FFXI, I got an Askar Zucchetto in a random Nyzul Isle group. No more fugly turban for me. Here's a nice pic of that:

Now, let's all count the days until FFXIV comes out.
Hey om! Kyss here.. just decided to look at my google RSS feed and saw you had a post =p
Sorry to hear WoW didn't work, though not entirely unexpected =p If you ever do get back into it, come to my server (Mal'Ganis)! I'm still playing WoW till FF14 is released. I may go back to Aion, since I'm a sucker for hardcore grindy asian mmo's... but we'll see.
Keep us updated on your FFXI experiences, I only know 3 people who actively still play - I did check out vanafest2010 and it almost made me want to play again.. then I realized a lvl 99 cap probably isn't something I'd really wanna get into -_-
Best of luck to you!
I think I'll just wait for FFXIV.
Hey Omael! Sorry to hear about your WoW experience, I'm playing WoW also but in a latin american server playing with my real life buddies. Like Kyss its just till FFXIV gets released though, cant wait for new info about the game. Hope to see you guys in FFXIV!
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