With that news, I've decided to head back to ffxi until I get 14. SE, realizing that the game doesn't have much time left, has decided to life nearly all the level caps from Chains of Promathia areas. Sounds awesome, but it's still impossible to get people together to do missions. Fuck them, I won't be here much longer anyway. Visions of Abyssea, on the other hand, is how SE should've been doing most endgame-level events the whole time. Quick trip through yet another Cavernous Maw, join an alliance of people and start killing. There aren't any xp chains, but the amount of xp you get slowly builds as long as you kill the same type of mob. I wish I had a screen shot of the time I was getting 600xp per mandragora. That makes it possible to go from 75 to 80 in about 4 hours. I went from 77 to 80 and maxed merits out. After I got back to my mog house and spent those merits, I went back the next day for a couple hours and maxed them back out. Then I noticed I stopped Beastmaster at 46. With the level caps gone, I could go get a gaudy harness and get back to it. Getting the subligar didn't take long, and the harness looks just as fruity as I remember. I've decided to run with that, so I went back and got another subligar. I hit level 50, so it's sexytime:

funny you mention bst, I was just looking at my account on allakhazam and all the posts I made in the BST forums back in 2008. I was so passionate about the game back then, I miss that. I miss the BST job too!
Visions of Abyssea sounds absolutely awesome, grats on lvl 80! I'm just imagining the NMs a lvl 80 bst could tackle, especially with the new jug pets!
And grats on the gaudy harness, w00t bst!
- Kyss
Congrats on Lv 80 and rock that sexy gaudy harness subligar combo you make this former BST proud.
Its great to see another MA member who blogs, I've been wanting to get into it for a while and it looks like now (with FFXIV) I have something cool to talk about.
I look forward to reading more of your entries. :)
- JD, newest MA recruit
Cool picture. ^^
I'm happy to have been warmly welcomed into the MA.
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