Thursday, March 31, 2011

Pretty, but dumb. Pretty Dumb.

I actually wrote this out in January, I'm just lazy about posting.

Finally got to spend a day on FFXIV. Not on my own computer (or "rig" if you're a douchebag), but on my brother-in-law's. You know this type of guy: Has to have the newest and best of everything the day it comes out no matter the cost, then ends up selling it within a month. I should've taken pictures the damn thing has enough LEDs to light up the street they live on. LEDs make people respect you, right?

Anyway, I got to play FFXIV for a whole day. The game looks incredible. After playing fallout: nv for a while, ffxiv is jaw-dropping. I wasn't able to make my own character, so I got to play as a really tan and muscley human guy. My bro-in-law calls his computer a "rig", so the muscley guy's not compensating or anything. I'd like to know how this game got released in the shape it's in. I'm pretty sure you've all had a chance to read some of the reviews that have been given for the game, and while they might be a little harsh they're not that far off. This game has major, major problems and I don't know if SE can fix them before they just say "Fuck it" and make FFXVII into an HD version of FFXI. I hope they can, since MoogleArmy had pretty much moved over to ffxiv before WoW's siren song took them all away and back onto the pig wallow that is Azeroth. Here's hoping, I guess.

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